Reminder: The White House Position On Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell

Although the language has changed over the past year, and moreso since it was originally penned on BarackObama.com, here’s the President’s current position, according to WhiteHouse.gov on DADT:

“He supports repealing Don’t Ask Don’t Tell in a sensible way that strengthens our armed forces and our national security…”

Let’s see how sensible Obama is tomorrow night.

A reminder, Mr. President: 55% of likely voters support total repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell. Only 35% oppose it.

Sadly, the public option had more support, and we know where that ended up.

Repeal of DADT has been a political football for too long. Frankly, I’d like to say, “Do the right thing,” but given the current state of the president’s mind, he’s dropped the idealism and gone for 100% pragmatism. So, Mr. President, do the pragmatic thing: Repeal DADT. you’ll gain big points with your base, you’ll see little opposition from a small number of voters, and you can accuse the Republicans who oppose the measure as not supporting the military in a time when we need every man and woman we can find.

This one is easy, Mr. President.

Don’t blow this one.

P.S. Mr. President – Don’t kick this one down the road. Invoke stop-loss now. Prevent any further DADT dismissals. And invite all those who were kicked out under DADT to return. Many want to proudly serve their nation once again.

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