Religious Right: Rob Portman’s Gay Son Living An ‘Abhorrent Lifestyle’ In ‘Delusion’

The Religious Right took no time to attack U.S. Republican Senator Rob Portman, who announced last week his support for same-sex marriage after acknowledging his 21-year old son is gay. Extremists like Matt Barber of Liberty Counsel and Liberty University, World Net Daily (WND) founder and top birther Joseph Farah, Andrea Lafferty of the Traditional Values Coalition and president of Mission America Linda Harvey held little back as they ganged up on the Ohio Senator and his young son.

In a World Net Daily exclusive (as every article on WND seems to be), Joseph Farah — one of America’s top birthers — writes, “Be glad Portman’s son isn’t serial killer“:

I’ve heard some wacky excuses by politicians for changing their minds on some of the most important moral issues facing American, but Ohio Sen. Rob Portman’s rationale for flip-flopping on same-sex marriage takes the proverbial wedding cake.

In case you haven’t heard, his son is a homosexual.

I guess we should all be grateful Rob Portman’s son didn’t choose to become a polygamist or a serial killer.

I have no doubt Rob Portman is sincere in his newfound opinion.

However, that’s all it is – an opinion.

And opinions don’t determine what is right and what is wrong. Opinions don’t determine what is sinful and what is not sinful. Opinions don’t determine what is truth and what is a lie.

Few are willing to say it anymore, but I will: Morality is determined by God, not men.

Portman’s statement about two people making a lifetime commitment to love and care for each other is very touching. But it’s not what marriage is about. People make such commitments all the time. Parents make lifetime commitments to love and care for their disabled children. They don’t generally marry them. Siblings sometimes do the same thing. I trust Portman is not advocating incestual relations as next on his list of reflective changes in the law.

And then there’s the question no one in the same-sex marriage camp wants to answer: Why should such marriages be limited to couples? Isn’t that narrow-minded and bigoted? Why not legalize polygamy or group marriages?

But wait, there’s more!

After far too many biblical quotes, Farah ends with:

“Whom are you going to believe – the Creator of the universe or Rob Portman?”

But wait, there’s more!

“… Perhaps [the senator’s] love for his son has deceived him in not being able to differentiate between loving his son and helping his son to do the right thing, versus changing his entire worldview and his view of the natural institution of legitimate marriage in order to accommodate his son’s abhorrent lifestyle,” Matt Barber said, according to American Family Association’s One News Now:

“This provides us a perfect example of the danger of looking at things through the jaundiced prism of our own feelings rather than on objective truths,” says the Liberty Counsel attorney.

The Bible clearly states repeatedly that homosexual conduct is a sin and an abomination to God. And as Barber points out: “God is unchanging. He is the same now and forever.”

Meanwhile, Andrea Lafferty with Traditional Values Coalition (TVC) wonders how the senator would have reacted if his son had instead revealed he is a drunk driver.

“If your child tells you that they’re a drunk driver [you don’t respond by thinking] - I love my kid, and so therefore because I love my kid I’m going to say that drunk driving is okay. And My child has caused me to revisit an issue which up until now had been based simply on morality, but now I don’t see the morality of drunk driving being a problem.”

The TVC executive director believes Ohio voters might have been misled when Portman ran for the Senate in 2010.

“I’m not sure that he’s been fully candid about when he knew about his son; therefore, maybe he ran under false pretenses. Number two he’s done it just before the Supreme Court is going to hear the homosexual marriage issue, the DOMA, the Prop 8 issue.”

And like Matt Barber, Lafferty believes Portman should have given his son sound moral guidance on the issue. “If we believe something is right or wrong, we don’t change it because our child engages in wrong, immoral, or illegal activity,” she adds.

Linda Harvey, apparently an Ohio resident, writes: The Gaying Of America: My Senator Caves To The Sin Lobby:

He opines about “civil marriage rights” as if they don’t exist now. These unions will be a stabilizing force bringing “renewed strength” to the institution, he thinks – but Portman is either woefully uninformed or deliberately ignores the mounting evidence against these lifestyles and the political militancy they are unleashing . There is no excuse for a sitting senator to jump on board a movement that viciously targets challengers, forces indoctrination of children in taxpayer- funded schools and bullies the corporate culture as well as the Boy Scouts into bowing before its altar of deviance.

And it’s so unnecessary. Every person out there who claims a “gay” identity has the ability to get married in Ohio or anywhere else now. He or she can marry someone of the opposite sex, because that’s what marriage is and because a “gay” identity is a delusion. Two men, no matter how sincere they feel, or two women, will never be a marriage. The person who believes this disorder is “who he is,” as apparently Portman’s son does, has tragically internalized a lie.

The sky is not green; it’s still blue – and Jesus’ identification of marriage as one man and one woman in Genesis 2 (where He was present as our eternally existent God) and again in Matthew 19 was not a joke. Just because Portman’s pastor misunderstands doesn’t mean Portman has to. One man/one woman marriage is a good and beautiful thing, not a hateful one. Jesus didn’t hate anyone – He came to save us from sin, and homosexuality is always a sin in Scripture.

Homosexual “marriage” is wrong because homosexual behavior is wrong.

Portman’s capitulation is not an “evolution.” He’s a “cave” man, not progressing but regressing to put a stamp of approval on something two other Bible verses call an abomination (Leviticus 18:22, 20:13). He has endorsed ancient, Old Testament sin, which is rearing its head again in modern America with eerie similarity.

And yes, wait for it… here it comes!

“We need a new Republican or perhaps tea-party senator for Ohio, one strong enough to overcome struggles at home while standing up in the public square. Is that too much to ask of a public servant?”

This post is already too long, but please, click on the names at the top to learn more about these religious right, um, “activists.”

Hat tip: Right Wing Watch

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