Religious Right Admits Using Schoolchildren Won Them Prop 8

Turning Point Was Ad Focused On Schoolchildren Being Taught About Gay Marriage


An Alliance Defense Fund “AllianceAlert” released today acknowledged the use of schoolchildren as a wedge issue in the Prop 8 battle won them victory in November’s Prop 8 battle.

“In mid-September, a Field Poll showed Proposition 8 — the constitutional amendment prohibiting “gay marriage” — trailing 55-38 percent among likely voters. But two weeks later, Prop 8 supporters launched an ad arguing that schoolchildren would be taught about gay marriage, and the message stuck. On Election Night, Prop 8 won.”

About The Alliance Defense Fund, from its website:

“ADF was founded for a unique purpose: to aggressively defend religious liberty by empowering our allies, recognizing that together, we can accomplish far more than we can alone.

We work tirelessly to assist them in their efforts through strategy, training, funding, and, where necessary, direct litigation through our own ADF legal team.”

(image: jackealexander)

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