RedState Hates — I Mean, HATES — GOP’s New “Pledge To America”

Erick Erickson, founder of the ultra-right wing blog RedState, hates the GOP’s new “pledge,” calling it today, “Perhaps the Most Ridiculous Thing to Come Out of Washington Since George McClellan,” and says “it is a serious of compromises and milquetoast rhetorical flourishes in search of unanimity among House Republicans because the House GOP does not have the fortitude to lead boldly in opposition to Barack Obama.”

(For those unfamiliar with George McClellan, as was I, there are five. Erickson, ever-obtuse, I assume was referring to the Civil War General, who “chronically overestimated the strength of enemy units and was reluctant to apply principles of mass, frequently leaving large portions of his army unengaged at decisive points,” and not the nineteenth century American physician and founder of Jefferson Medical College.)

Erickson, not known for “milquetoast rhetoric,” uses the following to describe the GOP’s new “Pledge”:

  • mom tested, kid approved pablum
  • dreck
  • meaningless stuff the Democrats can easily undo
  • laughable
  • an illusion

Erickson takes down the GOP. He writes, “There is a plan to cut Congress’s budget, which is pretty much what was promised in 1994. Seriously? In 4 years did the Democrats really blow up the Congressional budget? No — the GOP did that too.”

Hear, hear!

Regular readers of this blog know I have serious issues with Erickson, (also, here, and here,) and other RedState leaders, but I thoroughly enjoyed this!

He ends with my favorite part:

This document proves the GOP is more focused on the acquisition of power than the advocacy of long term sound public policy. All the good stuff in it is stuff we expect them to do. What is not in it is more than a little telling that the House GOP has not learned much of anything from 2006.

I will vote Republican in November of 2010. But I will not carry their stagnant water.

Perhaps Democrats, thinking of being “too busy” to vote in November, should remember that sentiment, and vote — to get the GOP the hell out of office.

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