Rand Paul Calls For Personhood Law To End Abortion ‘Once And For All’

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U.S. Senator Rand Paul Says ‘Unelected’ Supreme Court ‘Played God’ With Abortion

Republican U.S. Senator Rand Paul is calling for a so-called “personhood” law to “end abortion on demand once and for all.” Sen. Paul, a Tea Party Libertarian Republican and the son of Congressman Ron Paul, has recorded a message for the National Pro-Life Alliance. Paul is attacking the U.S. Supreme Court as “nine unelected men and women” who have “invented laws” and “played God with innocent human life” because of the Roe v. Wade decision legalizing abortion.

Senator Paul, whom some thought might be softening his positions when it became clear Mitt Romney was going to lose the November election, clearly has not.

“Will you help me in a bold and aggressive campaign to end abortion on demand once and for all?” Paul asks.

Paul claims “Congress has the power to legislatively end Roe v. Wade,” which is stunning, since no law can overrule a Supreme Court verdict; only a constitutional amendment can — but that’s not what Paul is advocating.

U.S. Senator Rand Paul, a Tea Party favorite, is advocating for Congress to make a new law, a “personhood” law, called the LIfe at Conception Act,” establishing that human life begins at conception, and extending the 14th Amendment to all fetuses.

Paul in the audio message calls law “legal mumbo jumbo,” yet tells supporters, “we in Congress have the right to legally define when life begins,” regardless of what the truth is.


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