Public School Hires Christian Speaker Who Tells Girls To ‘Shut Up’ To Be ‘Dateable’

Bradlee Dean, move over, Justin Lookadoo is in town.

Lookadoo, whose official press image (above) is a few years old, bills himself as a former “juvenile probation officer” who “has a biology degree,” and is “a biologist who knows the truth behind all of the myths.” Because having a degree in biology is the same as being a biologist, right?

But it’s not Lookadoo’s educational background that’s causing a stir, it’s that he is a Christian motivational speaker who was hired to address a Texas public high school last week, and made wildly inappropriate comments, generalizations, and sexist remarks. Why religious motivational speakers are being paid with your tax dollars is an important discussion, but for another time.

“Dateable girls know how to shut up,” Lookadoo writes on his R U Dateable website. “They don’t monopolize the conversation. They don’t tell everyone everything about themselves. They save some for later. They listen more than they gab.”

“God made guys as leaders. Dateable girls get that and let him do guy things, get a door, open a ketchup bottle. They relax and let guys be guys. Which means they don’t ask him out!!!”

“Dateable girls know that guys need to be needed. A Dateable girl isn’t Miss Independent. She knows we are made for community. Needing each other is part of faith. She allows him to be needed at times, knowing he was called to serve just as much as she was.”

But Lookadoo doesn’t reserve his advice to girls.

“Dateable guys know they aren’t as sensitive as girls and that’s okay. They know they are stronger, more dangerous, and more adventurous and that’s okay. Dateable guys are real men who aren’t afraid to be guys.”

One student who says she was in the audience last week and live-tweeted what she heard, published what she says are some of Lookadoo’s comments — which she verified from a recording of the assembly at Richardson High School:

“Ladies, I’m going to say this in the nicest way possible….you are the most horrible, awful, vindictive creatures this planet has ever seen.”

“There are some major differences between guys and girls! Girls can’t drive! They can only drive in circles!”

“The effort put into relationships just dictates how much it’ll rip you apart when it ends.”

The Atlantic writes that “Lookadoo has had more than 4,000 speaking engagements, according to his own count, including at countless assemblies at public schools throughout the South and Midwest. ”

“Why did you tell girls to get out of abusive relationships instead of telling guys not to be abusive in the first place?” one student asked.

Lookadoo says his comments were actually tailored for his high school audience.

No word on how much he is paid per event, but his books, about a dozen of them, are available on Amazon.

WFAA reports “the high school says he was carefully vetted.”

Yeah. That’s what the McCain camp said about Sarah Palin.


Image, top, via Lookadoo’s website

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