Prop 8: Remember The Anti-Gay “Yes On 8” Group? Where Are They Today?

Yes On 8, also known as “ProtectMarriage.com,” is the group that fought to pass Proposition 8. In other words, the reason same-sex marriage was banned in California is because of Yes on 8. Yet they seem to have been asleep today, the day that Prop 8 once again was affirmed to be unconstitutional. Here’s a screen shot (above) of their website, a full two hours past today’s Prop 8 announcement from the Ninth Circuit.

No mention whatsoever of today’s news.

Let’s remember they fought and won the right to have “standing” on the Prop 8 trial — meaning, they won the right to oppose in court Judge Walker’s reeling that Prop 8 is unconstitutional. They are even listed in today’s court documents as defendants. Their logo at one point disgustingly asked, “Are your children important to you?”

And here’s a screenshot of their “blog” section — untouched since August 16th, 2010.


And here’s a screenshot of their “trial” section — untouched since September 6, 2011.

Funny, that “donate” link sure is working though…

Wonder why that is?


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