Professional Homosexual Hater’s Worst Nightmare May Come True

The End Of DOMA?

It must be tough living in constant fear of gay marriage. Seriously. Imagine what it’s like to live the life of Maggie Gallagher. Or Brian Brown. Or, Peter LaBarbera.

Imagine what it would be like to know that, right around the corner, any moment, marriage equality could become a permanent reality.

So, who thinks their world is about to implode?

This time, Peter LaBarbera.

For most of you that’s all I need to write, but I’ll give you the rest of the story anyway.

LaBarbera thinks that the Senate Homeland Security Committee, which this week passed 8 – 1 a bill that will give equal family benefits to all federal civilian employees, regardless of orientation, means that the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) is dead.


It’s that slippery slope we all secretly know and love… (yeah, right!)

LaBarbera, a professional homosexual hater whose day job is executive director of “Americans for Truth About Homosexuality,” (“truth” being, of course, outright lies and mis-information,) says,

“This appears to be a violation of the spirit and the law of DOMA.  DOMA was intended to encourage marriage, the recognition of marriage by the federal government, and this is the repudiation of that,” Labarbera contends.  “This is giving marital benefits to both homosexuals and heterosexual ‘shack-up’ couples.  It’s very bad public policy for the federal government to de-incentivize people getting married…and that’s exactly what this legislation would do.”

LaBarbera call it “DOMA-destroying legislation.”

We could only wish it were that easy.

Maggie and Brian are probably kicking themselves for not latching onto this fund-raising opportunity first.

(Oh, and guess what: We need to thank – as hard as it is right now – Senators Joe Lieberman and Susan Collins for sponsoring the bill. Sorry, but we do.)

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