President Obama: Git R Done!

There. I said it.

Like so many Americans with at least half a brain, I am sick to death of ignorant, stupid jackasses who think they know what’s best for America. We all know them. The ones who don’t read — but claim to. The ones who can’t name the founding fathers — yet use the memory of them for their own misguided, selfish purposes. The ones who think that government is bad — but have no idea how to replace it or make it better. The ones who spend their time bashing Obama because they feel powerless, never realizing that — right or wrong — their own words have power.

Obama rode into office on the white steed of populist anger at a Republican government that didn’t believe in government and worked hard to prove its misbelief right, and a left-wing that thought they saw their hearts in his eyes — and thought they heard their hearts in his words. Pre-election Barack Obama was an agent of change. But now, we fear, post-inaugural Barack Obama is an agent of big banks, big pharma, and big words – without the big balls to carry through on his big promises — at least to us.

We’ll see.

Ever since the fiasco that was the Massachusetts special election last Tuesday, the word “populism” has seen a huge spike in usage — mostly from the right. Using the Tea Party bigots (I’m sorry, “Tea Party Americans,”), the Republicans are claiming Scott Brown’s victory is a victory for “Average Americans.” Never mind that Brown, a real estate lawyer and graduate of tony Tufts University and Boston College, owns five houses and may just be too cheap to buy another damn truck.

Maybe Obama needs his own truck. He’s made it clear by railing against banks and tossing up a spending freeze that he’s moving toward the dangerous ground of trying to score points by tapping into this populist rage. Tom Friedman said it today, in, “Adults Only, Please,”

“Lately, we’ve seen an explosion of situational thinking. I support the broad proposals President Obama put forth last week to prevent banks from becoming too big to fail and to protect taxpayers from banks that get in trouble by speculating and then expect us to bail them out. But the way the president unveiled his proposals — “if those folks want a fight, it’s a fight I’m ready to have” — left me feeling as though he was looking for a way to bash the banks right after the Democrats’ loss in Massachusetts, in order to score a few cheap political points more than to initiate a serious national discussion about an incredibly complex issue.”


But who knows? In this week’s Newsweek, Michael Cohen writes,

“Three forces have conspired to prevent President Obama from running the country effectively: congressional Republicans, congressional Democrats, and the American people. Obama should confront them in the State of the Union.”

And I think Obama should kick the shit out of them. Seriously.

But we know Barack Obama. He won’t.

But he will find a way to come out swinging when his back is up against a wall. So, Mr. President, start swinging. It’s time to say “STFU” to the GOP, the Blue-Dog Dems, and the special interests. You’re never going to get them to like you, respect you, or work with you. It’s time to lead, take no prisoners — consequences be damned.

President Obama, here’s a list of things we need to hear you say in tonight’s State of the Union address. And, more importantly, follow up on. You want to tip your hat to “populism?” In the words of one of the most famous American populists, “Larry The Cable Guy,” it’s time to “Git R Done.”

Civil Rights

Stop teasing and slowly doling out little bits and pieces. Americans deserve equality — all Americans. Yes, even LGBTQ Americans. Why not put together a comprehensive package of LGBTQ rights — rights that you promised us, rights you campaigned on, and some you didn’t.

Repeal DADT. For the 66,000 LGBTQ Americans now proudly serving, and for the 13,500 who were discharged for being who they were created to be. Embrace them all, and invite back the ones we lost to DADT.

Repeal DOMA, and ensure all couples can adopt.

Push Congress to have ENDA passed. Then sign it.


Jobs at all costs. Throw caution to the wind. No, you don’t even have to do that. Create a “Rebuild America” program. Fix America’s infrastructure. Our roads and bridges are falling apart. Don’t wait for the next Michigan bridge collapse. Don’t wait for the next catastrophe to happen. Do it now. Repair bridges. Build bridges. Build schools. Build wind farms. Pay people to figure our how to remove our country from being dependent of foreign oil. Pay our best and brightest to go to college. We know you hold dear the value of education — act on that. American minds and spirit are the only assets we truly have left.

Find an appropriate path to dress down Wall Street — one that doesn’t force the DOW to drop 5% in two days. But one that says, “Bankers, we’re in charge now.”

Demand Congress pass a health care bill. Demand the public option be put back. Tell America that they wanted it, and you’re going to fight for it.


This may be hard for you sir, but the time has come to play hardball. Dirty, nasty, mean-spirited, low-down, roll up your sleeves, roll in the mud politics.

Call out every Congressman who voted or stood against health care reform.

Call out every Congressman who voted or stood against your nominees — like Erroll Southers.

Call out every Congressman who voted or stood against the stimulus.

Call out every Congressman who voted or stood against any of your platform.

Connect the dots for the American people. Show us why obstructionists are the real terrorists.

Fight back, sir.

In short, Mr. President, tell America you’re going to fight for us. And make sure you do. Because, right now, it feels like you’re not.

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