Pope: Stop Granting Annulments. U.S. Worst Offender (Are You Listening, Maggie?)

It seems straight marriage really is under attack. This time, from the Church itself, which has had more annulment cases in the United States than in the rest of the world — combined. And so Pope Benedict XVI is chastising clerics and telling them to avoid granting the coveted church decisions “at all costs.”

One has to ask if all those divorce statistics, which put the success rate of straight marriage at about 50%, include the massive annulments that are being requested.

Via 365Gay.com:

“Benedict told members of the Roman Rota, the Vatican tribunal that decides marriage annulments, that they shouldn’t confuse “pastoral charity” in granting annulments with their need to uphold church law.”

Once again, I call upon Maggie Gallagher and the National Organization for (Straight) Marriage to put her vast financial resources — some of which many say come from the Church itself — to fight the cancer of divorce that directly threatens the institution of marriage. Maggie, instead of spending $1.5 million on a video that was the laughing stock of the Internet last year, spend your money on educating couples on how to make their relationships work.

Via NOM’s website:

“The National Organization for Marriage (NOM) is a nonprofit organization with a mission to protect marriage and the faith communities that sustain it.”

They also claim to have an education fund, “engaged solely in pro-marriage education and research.” Emphasis on research, one would guess…

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