Pope: Gays Are ‘A Concept Of Human Nature That Has Proven Defective’ And Threaten The Family

Pope Benedict XVI says that gay people are “a concept of human nature that has proven defective,” that threaten the family, and are not “fully-developed” human beings. The Pope, continuing his holy war on gay marriage, made the remarks late last month to a group of French Bishops he invited to the Vatican, in a desperate attempt to push back new French president Francois Hollande’s promise to legalize same-sex marriage.

“The family is threatened in many places by a faulty conception of human nature.” Some translations have him saying the word “defective,” according to Care2. “The family that is the foundation of social life is threatened in many places, following a concept of human nature that has proven defective,” another report states.

”Marriage and the family are institutions that must be promoted and defended from every possible misrepresentation of their true nature, since whatever is injurious to them is injurious to society itself.”

Pope Benedict also claimed his positions are “not at all backward-looking but prophetic,” adding that the Church must “promote those values that permit the full development of the human person.”

Pope Benedict is working overtime to stop same-sex marriage from taking hold in France. Over the summer, the Catholic Church revived a tradition originally begun in the 17th century and abandoned almost 100 years ago, to bash gay people, and included a prayer that calls children “objects of desires” for gay parents.

And in may, the pontiff told Catholics point blank they should become more political, ignoring what the Bible teaches about politics.

The Pope’s comments spurred recent attacks by American Catholic leaders on same-sex marriage and gay people.

Cardinal Francis George of Chicago told 400 couples celebrating their 50th wedding anniversaries that the marriages of same-sex couples are merely “friendships.”

Roman Catholic Bishop Thomas John Paprocki said any Catholic who votes for a Democrat very well may go to Hell, because their vote makes them “morally complicit” in issues like abortion and same-sex marriage.

Archbishop John Myers released a 16-page fear-mongering letter comparing gay marriage to incest and warning marriage equality will lead to laws imprisoning priests.

And Archbishop Peter Sartain said “human society would be harmed beyond repair,” should Washington state’s marriage equality law not be voted down in November.


Via: Care2 and GayStar News

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