Perkins: Homosexuality Is “Abnormal,” Drives Gay Teens To Suicide

Right Wing Watch reports Tony Perkins, (photo) president of the anti-gay, “pro-family” hate group, Family Research Council, as saying, that gay teens know they are “abnormal,” which makes them suicidal.

Via NPR’s “All Things Considered,” this piece today, titled, “Religious Undercurrent Ripples In Anti-Gay Bullying.”

“Conservative religious groups such as Focus on the Family want to stop what they see as an attempt by gay rights organizations to get a foothold in public schools. Tony Perkins, president of the evangelical Family Research Council, says gay activists are exploiting the concern over bullying — and twisting the facts.

“There’s no correlation between inacceptance of homosexuality and depression and suicide,” he says.

“Rather, Perkins says, there is another factor that leads kids to kill themselves.

“These young people who identify as gay or lesbian, we know from the social science that they have a higher propensity to depression or suicide because of that internal conflict,” he says.

“Homosexuality is “abnormal,” he says, and kids know it, which leads them to despair. That’s why he wants to confront gay activism in public schools. For example, his group supports the Day of Truth, when Christian high-schoolers make their case that homosexuality is a sin.”

Listen to the report. Contact Tony Perkins. Then cry for our children and the future.

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