Perkins: ‘Google’s Approach To Traditional Values Is To Search-And Destroy’

Tony Perkins is warning his followers that “Google’s approach to traditional values is to search—and destroy.” Perkins, head of the certified anti-gay hate group Family Research Council, is attacking  Google’s international “Legalize Love” campaign that is designed to secure safety for LGBT people in countries where it’s illegal to be LGBT. Google itself defined the campaign by stating:

“Legalise Love is our call to decriminalise homosexuality and eliminate homophobia around the world.”

Right Wing Watch has the audio and published this transcript:

“After years on the Internet, Google is stepping into a different domain—politics. Hello, I’m Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council in Washington. Thanks to a new campaign, Google’s approach to traditional values is to search—and destroy. The web giant just kicked off a worldwide push called “Legalize Love,” aimed at breaking down the barriers to homosexuality around the globe. Their biggest targets? Countries that have moral objections to same-sex relationships. “We want our employees who are gay or lesbian or transgender to have the same experience outside the office as they do in the office,” said a spokesman. That means actively fighting laws in other countries that aren’t as gay-friendly as Google would like. After watching Target and J.C. Penney take a financial hit after endorsing same-sex marriage, Google should know better. They can push to “Legalize Love,” but they shouldn’t be surprised by the blow back. Because when it comes to Google, political neutrality is what most users are searching for.”

Yes, Tony Perkins, head of a tiny anti-gay hate group is warning Google, a $38 billion international corporation that sits on the S&P 100, that there will be some “blow back” to their actions?

I’m sure they’re petrified.

Brian Tashman at Right Wing Watch also notes:

“After defending countries that criminalize homosexuality, Perkins said that “political neutrality is what most users are searching for,” even though the FRC lauds and commends companies like Chik-fil-A which get involved in political efforts opposing gay rights.”

Perkins should know a little about blow back. After years of falsely demonizing and denigrating the LGBT community, Perkins now finds himself largely persona non grata on the major cable news channels. How’s that for blow back, Tony?


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