Pence: Wait For DADT Study Results, But Keep It In Place Forever

Presidential hopeful and bible-thumper Congressman Mike Pence (R-IN) spoke just before noon today with MSNBC’s Chris Jansing on “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” repeal. Notice how Pence sticks to the often-repeated GOP talking points, even the ones that tell them to say, “We need to wait for the report, but if the report comes back in favor of repeal, be against repeal anyway.”

The only thing Pence wants is to advance his radical Christian Right social agenda and to become President so he can turn America into a theocracy.

PENCE: Where I stand is I don’t believe we should be using the American military or Armed Forces to advance a liberal social agenda or to engage in and of the practice of domestic politics. Look, what we ought to focus on his first we ought to listen to what that survey of our soldiers says but number two…

JANSING: And if it does say what the indication has bee that the vast majority of service members and their families don’t have a problem with…

PENCE: Well I would still have a problem with it because there’s no question to mainstream homosexuality within active duty military would have an impact on unit cohesion would have an impact on recruitment, an impact on readiness, that’s been established and written about and chronicled for many many years and I believe we need to continue to keep the focus of our military on the mission of the military. Don’t ask don’t tell was a compromise back in the early 90s, it’s been a successful compromise we ought to leave it like it is and and not run the risk of impacting the readiness of our military or recruitment for our military because of an effort to advance some liberal domestic social agenda.

Pence has been fighting repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” and any advance of LGBT civil rights, forever. He continues to say, “The American people don’t want the American military to be used to advance a liberal political agenda. And House Republicans will stand on that principle,” regardless of the fact that 50% to 78% of Americans want DADT repealed.

Remember, this is the Mike Pence who has said, “Marriage must be defended in the Congress, in the courts, and if need be in the Constitution of the United States.”

Them’s fightin’ words, Mike. Don’t worry, we’re fighting back.

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