Pelosi Mocks ‘Too Old’ Question: ‘You Always Ask That Question Except To Mitch McConnell’

var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true};Nancy Pelosi‘s decision to stay on as the Democrats’ House Minority Leader drew a question from NBC’s reporter Luke Russert (@lukerussert) that has gone viral. “Some of your colleagues privately say that your decision to stay on prohibits the party from having a younger leadership and hurts the party in the long term.”

Russert’s question was met with boos from the Congresswomen surrounding Pelosi on stage, and a Twitter attacks.

Pelosi, forever graceful yet direct, first responded with, “Next!,” but then mocked Russert, the son of the late Tim Riussert of Meet The Press:

“You always ask that question except of Mitch McConnell!”

McConnell, Pelosi’s Republican counterpart in the Senate, is 70 years old. Pelosi is 72.

“Let’s for a moment honor that as a legitimate question — although it’s quite offensive,” Pelosi continued.

The question itself is inappropriate, albeit one that was posed today by Chris Cillizza and Aaron Blake and the Washington Post.

So, Russert loses points for dignity, tact, respect, and for lack of originality.


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