Pawlenty’s Treatment Of His Wife Akin To “Pimping,” Says Former Constituent

Tim Pawlenty is in big trouble with one Minnesota woman, who was not very pleased with the former Minnesota governor’s description of his “red-hot, smoking wife” as a “crowd pleaser.” Pawlenty today announced the formation of a presidential campaign exploratory committee.

In a New York Times letter to the editor, the reader from Minnesota writes,

“Where I grew up — in Minnesota, as it happens, of which Mr. Pawlenty is a former governor — inviting a crowd to ogle your wife in such terms would be considered tantamount to pimping her out for your personal gain. My grandfather, my father and my husband would never speak that way.

“Mr. Pawlenty’s wife, a lawyer, served as a district court judge, and yet he seems to think that only her physical attributes are worth people’s attention. If he treats his own wife with such disrespect, I can only imagine how he would treat me, my daughters and all the women of this country if he should have the chance to make policy for us. Such a man could never have my vote.”

Reason number one of a great many why Pawlenty for President is a bad, bad idea.


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