Pat Robertson To Poor, Ill, Elderly Couple: You Must Keep Tithing If ‘You Want To Be Healthy’

Pat Robertson‘s greed is the subject of legend — and, also, a new documentary film. The octogenarian televangelist is reportedly worth tens to hundreds of millions of dollars. So it comes as rather offensive when he is asked by a poor viewer whose elderly husband is ill, if they must continue to tithe to the Church.

LOOK: New Documentary Accuses Pat Robertson Of Diverting African Aid To His Diamond Mine Investment

Despite the fact that the viewer says she has been giving her money to the Church since she was a young girl, tithing her baby sitting money, Robertson is convinced that she is doing it wrong. If she were doing it right, Robertson says, her husband would not be ill.

The couple, as Right Wing Watch notes, is “retired and living on a small pension and Social Security income” and “barely have any money.”

It turns out, according to Robertson’s logic, that people don’t become ill because of poor diet, hereditary causes, or other medically-proven scientific reasons, rather, people get ill because they haven’t given enough money to the church.

Illness is a result of the “devour” (devourer?) not being “rebuked,” Robertson says, referring apparently to the devil.

“Your husband has all these medical problems because the ‘devour’ has not been rebuked,” Robertson tells the viewer. “You need to rebuke him. You give your tithes faithfully and God said, ‘I will rebuke the devour,’ the person that is eating up your money and eating up your health. So you want to be healthy? That’s a promise in the Word.”






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