Pat Robertson: Surveillance Cameras Are Sign Of ‘End Times’ And ‘Mark Of The Beast’

American ‘Freedom’ Includes Not Having Technology That Captured Boston Bombers

Pat Robertson today decried “Big Brother” or “George Orwell”-like security cameras, and, presumably, and computer applications like Facebook and Twitter, as a sign of the “end times” and the “Mark of the Beast.”

Robertson said Americans would prefer a “freedom” that does not include the surveillance systems that led to the capture of the Boston Marathon bombers.

“But this is what the Bible talks about when you can’t buy or sell without the Mark of the Beast, you have to be part of that world system and a very, very few can escape because right now they can go down into the bush in the darkest Africa and hunt you down.”

Brian Tashman at Right Wing Watch notes:

After Robertson criticized “big government” for attempting to chip away at personal freedoms, the very next story on the 700 Club was a report on the arrest of an anti-government militia member in Minnesota who was allegedly planning to bomb his city’s police department.

Yesterday, Robertson on his “700 Club” said a gay person can change their sexual orientation just as “a murderer can change, a rapist can change, a thief can change.” A week ago, Robertson said that there’s nothing “bigoted” about calling homosexuality an abomination, adding that ESPN should “man-up” and defend Chris Broussard, the reporter who said NBA center Jason Collins is not a Christian and “walking in open rebellion to God and to Jesus Christ.”

And last month, Robertson said that Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger “set the stage for Adolph Hitler,” and accuses the “evil” organization of “genocide.”


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