Pat Robertson: Oklahoma Earthquake Sign From God Of End Times

Televangelist Pat Robertson says that this weekend’s Oklahoma earthquakes are a sign from God that the end times are coming. On his 700 Club show today, Robertson, who has claimed in the past the end of the world would come in October or November 1982, that a a tsunami would hit the American coastline in 2006, that there would be a terrorist attack on the United States in 2007, that 2008 would see worldwide violence, that the stock market would crash in 2010, and in 2009, Robertson said, “If I’m hearing [God] right, gold will go to about $1900 an ounce and oil to $300 a barrel.”

Brian Tashman at Right Wing Watch offers this transcript and video:


Griffith: What in the world’s going on Pat?

Robertson: Well I think the earth is in a process of shifting around, these plates do move. Does this indicate some sort of a Sign of the Time? Jesus Christ said there would be earthquakes in diverse places and lo and behold we’re seeing an intensity of earthquake activity as the crust of the earth, which is floating all the time, it floats on the sea of magma, so these continents aren’t solid, they float and they move.


Ladies and gentlemen that’s just one more reason that we need to get ourselves right with the Lord. Regardless of what’s happening, the earth that we think is so solid, isn’t all that solid.

Recently, Robertson said, “Halloween is Satan’s night, it’s the night for the devil,” and adds that, “we need the power of God not some kind of ersatz entertainment. We don’t believe in haunted, we don’t believe in ghosts, we don’t believe in all this business.”

Robertson also has said recently:

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