Pat Robertson: Lesbians Are “Evil” So Woman Can’t Attend Sister’s Wedding

Pat Robertson today told a conflicted woman that her lesbian sister is “evil,” and therefore she may not attend her sister’s wedding — to do so would be blessing an ungodly union. “The Bible is very clear about homosexuality,” Robertson tells her, adding that if this means the end of her relationship with her sister, “tough luck.” Because, apparently, family comes first — unless they’re gay.

That Pat Robertson thinks he has any say in the matter is almost as bad as this woman who actually cannot decide if she should support her sister in a loving union.

Brian Tashman at Right Wing Watch, who bring us so many of these unbelievably gross religious atrocities, offers the video and Robertson’s response:

Pat Robertson: That is a very hard decision but you can’t add you’re—if you go what you’re doing is saying ‘I bless this union and I agree that what you’re doing is right.’ You know the Bible is so clear about homosexuality and when you read in what Paul said, he said, ‘Wherefore God gave them up,’ and having given them up they did evil things with their own bodies, men for men and women with women, defaming their bodies. Read Romans, read the Book of Romans, this isn’t something I came up with, read it in Romans. You say, ‘should I go to my sister’s wedding, should I participate,’ the answer is to tell your sister, ‘I love you but I cannot participate a ceremony that is contrary to God’s word, period.’ If she doesn’t like it, if that breaks the union between you, that’s tough luck.

Recently, Robertson proclaimed that God will punish the United States for President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton’s new international LGBT rights doctrine, said that marriage equality is an “abomination,” and that same-sex couples want a stamp of approval from the Church so people don’t think they’re sinful, and the Oklahoma earthquakes were a sign from God that the end times are coming.

 Hat-tip: Towleroad

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