Pat Robertson: Homosexuality A “Compulsion Related To Demonic Possession”

Pat Robertson today talked about a gay man who tried to turn straight by marrying a woman that homosexuality is an “obsession,” and said the man has “a compulsion,” and added, “I think it is somehow related to demonic possession.”

Robertson says the man “was hungry for it,” “it didn’t matter who he did it with,” and said the man, Sean, was “trolling for cheap sex.”

Robertson says “It’s time in society we say certain things are wrong.” Sadly, he’s not referring to his own advice.

The announcer says Sean longed for a family as he grew older. If only the Pat Robertsons of the world didn’t make Sean and countless millions like him think they need to marry someone of the opposite sex to have a family. How twisted is that?

The announcer also says, “It took a long time for his marriage to heal,” and adds the healing came from Sean’s “repentance and deliverance from his homosexual lifestyle.” Right…

Sadly, Sean says he no longer has to “be compelled to act out the sinful nature.”

Thanks to Brian Tashman at Right Wing Watch for the video.

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