Pat Robertson: Atheists Are To Blame For Sikh Temple Shooting

Pat Robertson, who has a habit of blaming everyone — other than those responsible — for every tragedy in America, today blamed atheists for Sunday’s tragic shooting at a Sikh Temple in Wisconsin that left a total of seven people dead.

Lumping atheists into a group including Satan, people who “hate God” and “hate the expression of God,” Robertson said those responsible for the shooting and similar violence are “angry with the world, angry with themselves, angry with society and they take it out on innocent people who are worshiping God.”

Robertson didn’t bother to mention the United States has one of the highest per-capita gun violence rates in the world, that more Americans die in the United States in one weekend than in all of the United Kingdom in one year.

Robertson didn’t bother to examine the religious beliefs of any of the gunmen in the The Brady Campaign’s (PDF) 62-page list of mass shootings that catalogues every act of gun violence in America in America — but only since 2005.

Robertson previously has claimed that last year’s Oklahoma earthquakes were a sign from God that the end times are coming, “Islam is the anti-Christ,” and “the union of two men doesn’t bring forth anything except disease, apparently, and suffering, and the same thing with the union of two women.”

Via: Brian Tashman at Right Wing Watch


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