Pat Buchanan Suggests NAMBLA And Gay Marriage Caused Penn State Scandal

MSNBC pundit Pat Buchanan is suggesting that the Penn State child abuse and rape sex scandal caused by Jerry Sandusky ultimately is a product of NAMBLA and gay marriage. Buchanan lamented that NAMBLA — an organization that many believe to be defunct but advocated for changing laws to lower the age of consent that criminalized sex with minors — along with same-sex marriage would never have been a part of the public consciousness in the 1950s.

READ: LaBarbera: Will Sandusky’s Penn State Victims Grow Up Thinking They’re Gay?

Buchanan, who is hard at work plugging his book, book, “Suicide of a Superpower: Will America Survive to 2025?,” agreed with radio host Rick Wiles, who stated that America is “financially bankruptcy because we’re morally bankrupt.” Buchanan then brought up NAMBLA, the North American Man/Boy Love Association — a group wholly denounced by the LGBT community — and “homosexual marriage,” suggesting that the Penn State scandal surrounding former assistant coach Jerry Sandusky, and now-former coach Joe Paterno, was a product of a society whose morals have declined to the point where they allow both NAMBLA and same-sex marriage.

To be clear, there is no correlation between same-sex marriage, an institution that the majority of Americans support, and the Penn State pedophilia sex scandal. Nor is there any association between NAMBLA and same-sex marriage.

Homosexuality is an innate trait fixed at birth, while pedophilia is a psychological disorder.

Jerry Sandusky is a married man who fathered and raised four children with his wife. If the allegations are true, his is also a pedophile, not a homosexual. There’s a difference and those with a public platform like Buchanan ought to know the difference.

READ: Pat Buchanan’s Anti-Gay Bigotry Is Bigger Than Pat Buchanan

For the record, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services reports that for each year between 2000 and 2005, “female parents acting alone” were most likely to be perpetrators of child abuse.

Here’s another fact: “According to the Third National Incidence Study, girls are sexually abused three times more often than boys.” And another study offers this:

Statistics indicate that girls are more frequently the victims of sexual abuse, but that the number of boys is also significant. Estimates suggest that males account for 25 – 35% of child sexual abuse victims.

Gays are no more likely to be pedophiles than straights are. It’s time to set the record straight.


Thanks to the4 good folks at Media Matters for the clip.

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