Pastor: Married Gays Dangerous To Kids, One Step Away From ‘Person And Beast’ Marriage

Another North Carolina Pastor has been exposed for attacking gay people and same-sex marriage. Noting all the states that offer same-sex marriage in the country, Beacon Baptist Pastor Tim Rabon on Sunday told parishioners, “May I just insert here, what is stopping them from refining [sic] marriage as between a person and a beast?” Rabon added, “We’re not far from that.” Rabon also posited that gay couples are “the greatest danger against a child.”

While we take a moment to wonder how Rabon can move from human marriage to bestiality, let’s review his other offensive comments.

Saying he had received “a pretty hateful letter” about his support of Amendment One, the anti-gay marriage ballot initiative upon which North Carolina voters are deciding now and through Tuesday, Pastor Rabon falsely claimed, “It is not an ‘anti’ amendment. It is not against any one.” Rabon says that Amendment One “is for the protection and preservation of what God himself ordained.”

Rabon falsely claimed that “It will not hurt business.” That is outright false, and business owners time and time again have come out in support of same-sex marriage in part because it will help business.

Rabon is parroting rhetoric that does not stand up under a microscope, much less common sense.

And frankly, Rabon has no business preaching about business. If he’s such a business expert, perhaps he can afford to have his tax-exempt status removed.

Frankly, it also seems that Rabon is merely reading a script, not preaching the Gospel. Which seems rather inauthentic and hypocritical. But perhaps that’s why it also seems that he’s preaching to a room full of two other people. Plus the other man on stage.

“The greatest danger against a child is a non-traditional definition of marriage.”

This week, North Carolina Pastor Sean Harris was excoriated in the media for comments he made on the same day that advocated the beating of children as young as four if their parents thought they might be gay.

Also this week, the wife of the North Carolina state senator who sponsored and authored Amendment One, which bans same-sex marriage through the constitution and, contrary to Pastor Rabon’s faulty understanding, will remove protections from domestic violence victims and will remove children from their parents’ health insurance, claimed the bill was created to protect the caucasian race.



WATCH the entire sermon on Vimeo.

Once again, our extreme gratitude to Jeremy Hooper for uncovering this story, and for the audio.

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