Palin Shows Up To Bash Gingrich – And Did She Just Tip Her Hand On 2012?

Sarah Palin attacked Newt Gingrich Wednesday night, stating, “I do believe that Newt Gingrich is terribly wrong on his assessment of Rep. Ryan’s plan, it’s a good, fiscally-sound and courageous plan.” The former Republican vice presidential candidate making an appearance on Hannity also took a crack at Gingrich for his apology to Rep. Ryan, stating, “a politician either believes in what they just said in an interview or they don’t believe in what they just said.”

In response, Andrew Sullivan today adds,

“She targets Newt as someone willing to cave in to media pressure. Which puts her off the near-comic party line, parroted by Sean Hannity, that this Gingrich-Ryan rift is now over. And she insists that his “right-wing social engineering” remark be affixed permanently to him. And that the real enemy is the “lamestream media”. But it’s obvious she isn’t running, isn’t it?

“Bonus Palinism: “indebtness.” And she calls out David Gregory for asking “racist” questions.”

(emphasis mine.)

Note that Palin equates “reforming Medicare,” they way Ryan suggests — which essentially eliminates Medicare as we know it — into “protecting seniors,” and “providing a safety net.” Right…

Note also that in Palin-world, everything is about Palin — and she tips her hand a bit on 2012:

Just after the 2:00 mark, she says “I just have to be prepared for it and overcome it,” — not “they” or even, “we.” Interesting…

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