Palin Accuses WI Union “Thug” Bosses Of Violence-Inducing “Rhetoric”

Sarah Palin, appearing on Hannity Thursday night, accused Wisconsin union “bosses” of ratcheting up “rhetoric” that will lead to violence and “somebody getting hurt.”

“Well, these union bosses who are acting like thugs are leading some of their good union members down a road that will ultimately result in unfortunately somebody getting hurt if you believe the death threats that are being received by those who just happen to support amending some collective-bargaining privileges of state unions,” Palin told Sean Hannity on his Fox News show Thursday night.

The possible 2012 presidential candidate added, “Well it is these union bosses’ responsibility to turn down the rhetoric and start getting truth out there so that nobody gets hurt.”

Palin was the subject of the nation’s scorn — especially after January’s Tucson shooting that left six dead and thirteen injured — for her use of a map with gun sight crosshairs targeting Democratic lawmakers who voted for “Obamacare,” and her subsequent, now infamous, “blood libel” speech that some say ended her chance of a GOP presidential run.

Read: “The End Of A Sarah Palin Presidency

Saying, “[t]here’s a lot of things coming to the surface on Obamacare that really are reflective of, believe it or not, Wisconsin with union protests,” the half-term former governor lambasted the Wisconsin Democratic lawmakers who traveled across state lines to support the unions.

“What it has cost is a distrust of the work product, as Obamacare, we have so much distrust of what’s in there,” Palin added, “because in that instance too Democrats rammed something down our throats then ducked and covered…”

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