Only In America

Double-Plus Good?

Only In America. Only in America could an organization called the “National Organization For Marriage” exist, claiming to be “protecting marriage” when in fact all they do is try to stop same-sex couples from being able to marry.

Only in America could an organization called “New Yorkers for Constitutional Freedoms” actually be a religious lobbying group that works to stop same-sex couples from being able to marry.

Only in America could an organization called “Focus On The Family” actually be an evangelical far-right wing extremist parachurch organization that works to ensure homosexuals aren’t allowed to have families.

Only in America could an organization called “United Families International” work so hard to try to deny same-sex marriage to same-sex couples, yet not even mention same-sex marriage in its own description.

Only in America could these organizations, and those like them, exist. (Let me know what others you think of!)

Of course, there’s one other place they’d be welcome…

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