One Million Moms: We’re Thrilled ‘The New Normal’ Mentioned Us Even If It’s An Abomination

One Million Moms is thrilled “The New Normal” — the hit show they are trying desperately to get NBC to cancel — mentioned them last week. But even as they lovingly laud the show’s affections — purely platonic, not, you know, homosexual — toward them, they continue to warn good Christians everywhere to never, ever watch the show. Because God will strike you down, perhaps? Or perhaps you’ll turn into a pillar of salt, (which, as it turns out, isn’t bad for you, according to biblical faux historian David Barton.)

Watch: ‘The New Normal’ Explains The Sanctity Of Traditional Marriage

“Last week’s episode of ‘The New Normal’ referenced One Million Moms,” One Million Moms (OMM) states on their website. “Even though they attempted to poke fun, the show actually made One Million Moms look good.”

This is what One Million Moms thinks makes them look good:


“The conservative grandmother [played by Ellen Barkin] chose three girls who are raised in traditional families who share the same beliefs she does to help her cancel her granddaughter’s fake wedding. She tells them, ‘I need the help of every one of you future One Million Moms.’  By the way, thanks for the free publicity!”

They have got to be kidding.

They’re not.

“Any conservatives that may have briefly checked out the show primarily to see how bad it is who have never heard of One Million Moms just found out about our organization on their dime,” OMM adds — or, in other words, “if you peeked in the name of the Lord it’s OK!”

“If the writers thought this would get us off their backs they are sadly mistaken. We will continue our attempts to have this program canceled because it goes against Biblical principles and Christian values.”

And, of course, who else would good Christians trust but One Million Moms, the email harvesting arm of the Southern Poverty Law Center-certified anti gay hate group, the American Family Association, the folks who say gays “are Nazis.”

“The grandmother does misrepresent conservatives at times since her character is not consistent in her actions, but focusing on last night’s episode she was pretty accurate.”

And by consistent, One Million Moms means that all 50,000+ of their members (per their Facebook page) don’t eat shellfish, don’t work on the sabbath, support slavery, don’t wear poly-cotton blends, and stone family members when the Bible calls for it, right?

“She stated marriage is sacred and between one man and one woman.”

Actually, OMM, the Bible says marriage is sacred between one man and as many wives as he can afford, but we get that times are tough.

“She was upset that her granddaughter was having a ‘real’ pretend wedding. They didn’t actually go through with it when the nine-year-old girl found out the ten-year-old boy had cheated on her the day before by kissing another girl.

“The grandmother is not pleased with the pretend wedding and says that marriage is not for children or homosexuals; next it will be for dogs,” One Million Moms adds — totally without compunction, totally without a second thought, totally without blinking. Even the Bible doesn’t equate same-sex marriage or homosexuality with bestiality.

“She does make the statements that, ‘Marriage is a sacred vow. Marriage must be kept sacred. Homosexuals are trying to redefine marriage. Marriage is to be taken seriously’.”

And of course she does. She — Ellen Barkin’s character — who, probably like many members of anti-gay hate groups, married a closeted man who cheated on her, divorced him, and sleeps with strangers in hotels. Yes, let’s applaud her hypocrisy, One Million Moms!

“Chick-fil-A was also mentioned when the grandmother said she was going to eat there, and the homosexuals’ assistant said she missed Chick-fil-A. The two homosexual men just shook their heads saying no that they were not eating at this particular restaurant.

“One Million Moms continues to discourage our supporters from watching the program to insure we do not help the show’s ratings. The producer, open homosexual Ryan Murphy, is playing a game so One Million Mom supporters will tune in. Murphy even stated in an interview after our campaign was launched that our supporters should watch because One Million Moms will be represented during the program. One Million Moms records all major networks and will continue to monitor the program to keep you informed.”

Gotta love that: “open homosexual Ryan Murphy.”

“The program ends with one of the homosexual men proposing to his partner, and he asks, ‘Will you be my husband?'”


Clearly, NBC’s “The New Normal” is attempting to desensitize America and our children.” [Bolding theirs]

One Million Moms, your children are “desensitized.” The children of today are supportive of same-sex marriage,a and so many of the things you’re trying to teach them to hate. And in ten years, they will hate you. Because you taught them how.


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