One Million Moms Furious ‘Beloved Superheroes Will Be Homosexual’

The anti-gay fake group One Million Moms is furious that some comic book characters “will soon be coming out of the closet,” and angered that comic book giants Marvel and DC Comics are right now deciding which “one of their characters that children look up to,” which “beloved superheroes will be homosexual.” One Million Moms, whose failed attacks against “lesbian spokesperson” Ellen DeGeneres actually drove shoppers into JC Penney, also sinks to an unacceptable low, claiming adult gay men want to “indoctrate [sic] impressionable young minds,” “desensitize and brainwash” children into “thinking that a gay lifestyle choice is normal and desirable.” And then, they go overboard, claiming, as “Christians, we know that homosexuality is a sin (Romans 1:26-27).”

One Million Moms, who have a mere 47,134 Facebook fans ( an increase of only 99 since we wrote about them last week!) and who last week attacked the GAP for their beautiful photo campaign featuring Broadway’s “Book Of Mormon” actor Rory O’Malley and his boyfriend Gerold Schroeder, is actually a fundraising and email harvesting arm of the American Family Association, a certified anti-gay hate group.

The One Million Moms website states:

And to make matters more shocking, Marvel, now owned by Disney, followed DC Comics’ announcement with a surprise of their own. Northstar, Marvel’s first openly gay hero, is going to tie the knot with his boyfriend in the current issue of “Astonishing X-Men.” This is the first same-sex wedding in a superhero comic book.

In “Astonishing X-Men” #50, which hit comic shop shelves Wednesday, Northstar proposes to his boyfriend, Kyle, a fellow snow sports enthusiast who possesses no superpowers. The couple will seal the deal in issue #51, slated for a June 20 release.

“The story of Northstar and Kyle is universal, and at the core of everything I write: a powerful love between two people who have to fight for it against all odds,” said X-Men comic writer Marjorie Liu in a statement.

Ignorantly, One Million Moms adds:

Unfortunately, children are now being exposed to homosexuality at an early age. Comic books would be one of the last places a parent would expect their child to be confronted with homosexual topics that are too complicated for them to understand. Children do not know what straight, homosexual, or coming out of the closet even means, but DC Comics and Marvel are using superheroes to confuse them on this topic to raise questions and awareness of an alternative lifestyle choice. These companies are prompting a premature discussion on sexual orientation.

One Million Moms is under the mistaken idea that children do not understand same-sex relationships and automatically view them as evil, and something that needs to be explained.

Children desire to be just like superheroes. Children mimic superhero actions and even dress up in costumes to resemble these characters as much as possible. Can you imagine little boys saying, “I want a boyfriend or husband like X-Men?”

Actually, millions of Americans can “imagine little boys saying, ‘I want a boyfriend or husband like X-Men,'” because millions of gay adult men when they were little boys said just that.

Wait til One Million Moms finds out Green Lantern is probably going to be the next comic book character to come out

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