One Million Moms Attacks J Lo’s ‘Multi-Ethnic Mix’ Of Foster Kids TV Pilot As ‘Anti-Family’

One Million Moms has another new target — J Lo, rather, Jennifer Lopez and the ABC Family channel, who are producing a comedy-drama pilot called “The Fosters,” about two women raising a “multi-ethnic mix of foster and biological kids,” which OMM has labeled “anti-family.” Of course, the “anti-family” stamp comes from the “two women” part of the story. “ABC Family Channel is anything but family-friendly,” One Million Moms decries.

One Million Moms says that the reason they wanted to “sound the alarm” to their members about these “anti-family” shows is merely “because of family being part of the network’s name.” Right…

“Hollywood is continuing to push an agenda that homosexuality is acceptable when scripture states clearly it is a sin,” One Million Moms says on their issues action page. “As Christians, the Bible also says that we must speak up against sin. If we remain silent then we are guilty of sin also.”

Yes, One Million Moms isn saying they are morally and spiritually required to “speak up against” this TV show, even though OMMs admits, “foster care and adoption is a wonderful thing and the Bible does teach us to help orphans,” but, “this program is attempting to redefine marriage and family by having two moms raise these children together.”

One Million Moms is not sure how the explanation will be given on how the biological children were conceived. None of this material is acceptable content for a family show.

“One Million Moms is not sure how the explanation will be given on how the biological children were conceived.” Well, that’s amusing. One million moms can’t put their heads together to figure out how to tell kids how women get pregnant? Really? Are they the Virgins Mary?

But “The fosters” is not One Million Moms’ only problem. (Well, to be honest…)

“Obviously, ABC has lost their minds,” One Million Moms says, adding that the ABC Family folks “haven’t let up so neither will we.” (So there!)

ABC’s Family Channel has several anti-family programs, and they are planning on adding to that growing list. ABC Family has approved a series pilot from Jennifer Lopez’s production company, Nuyorican, about a lesbian couple and their diverse family.

Anyone get the feeling that the lesbian angle isn’t the only reason One Million Moms has a problem with these two shows about “diverse families”?

How very “Christian” of One Million Moms, attacking people for raising a “multi-ethnic mix of foster and biological kids.”

Just because they’re lesbians…?

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