Obama Up Eight Points Over Romney In Latest Poll — Taken Before ‘47%’

President Obama is up a whopping eight points against Mitt Romney, according to a Pew poll just released, which canvassed 2192 likely voters in a live telephone survey, from September 12 – 16. And that’s before the severly damaging Politico article came out Sunday evening, and the “47%” comments videos were released Monday.

“This result is more favorable to the president than other recent polls, including two daily tracking surveys that picked up a bump for Obama last week and then saw it largely fade in recent days,” The Huffington Post notes.

The most recent update of the Gallup Daily tracking, which like Pew Research uses live interviewers to call voters at randomly selected landline and mobile phone numbers, gives Obama a lead of just 1 point (47 to 46 percent). Gallup’s interviews were conducted from Sept. 12 to 18.

As of this hour, the HuffPost Pollster tracking model, based on all available public polls, shows Obama with a lead of slightly more than 2 points nationwide.

Pew Research has typically produced results a few percentage points better for Obama than other polls, but Pew’s earlier results reflected all registered voters. This survey marks the first by Pew Research in 2012 to report results for the narrower slice of voters deemed most likely to actually vote. Among a larger sample of registered voters, Pew shows a 9-point Obama advantage (51 to 42 percent), roughly the same as the margin it found among registered voters in late July (51 to 41 percent).

Looking at PollTracker results, President Obama is up 4.1% among an average of about 50 different polls:


Pew notes:

A review of Pew Research Center and Gallup favorability ratings from September finds that Romney is the only presidential candidate over the past seven election cycles to be viewed more unfavorably than favorably.

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