Obama Job Approval Soars To 2009 Levels But Conservatives Claim Mandate

var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true};President Obama‘s approval rating is soaring, his disapproval level is dropping, both to levels not seen since his first year in office, 2009, and all this while the GOP is threatening to take the country over the so-called “fiscal cliff.” The President today enjoys a 54% approval rating, and a 38% disapproval rating, according to Gallup’s Daily Tracking Poll.

Meanwhile, Bloomberg reports that “President Barack Obama won the public argument over taxes so decisively that almost half of Republicans now say he has an election mandate to raise rates on the rich.

Majorities of about 2-to-1 also read the election results as an endorsement of Obama’s pledge to protect Social Security and Medicare benefits, according to a Bloomberg National Poll of 1,000 adults conducted Dec. 7-10.

Of course, the GOP is in continual denial.

The Daily Caller reports today that more than “100 conservatives signed a letter Wednesday to congressional Republicans arguing that the House GOP has a ‘broader’ mandate to ‘fight for conservative principles’ than President Barack Obama has to push his own agenda.”

Addressing House Republicans, the conservatives wrote: “You have a mandate to fight for conservative principles that is arguably much broader than the one that narrowly reelected President Barack Obama claims to have for his leftist agenda.”

Those who signed the letter include: Ed Meese, Morton Blackwell, Gary Bauer, Richard Viguerie, Al Cardenas and Erick Erickson.

At what point does the American populace just tell the GOP to go pound salt?

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