Obama Is ‘Setting Up The Stage To Take Guns Away From Evangelicals’ Says Fischer

President Barack Obama is “setting up the stage to take guns away from evangelicals,” according to Bryan Fischer, who says Christians have already been classified as “domestic terrorists.” Fischer, on his radio show, which is broadcast in 40 states via 180 radio stations and reaches an estimated one million listeners daily, offered this example:

“‘You believe in Jesus Christ?’

“‘Yes I certainly do, sir.’”

“‘Give me your gun. We’re coming into your house and taking your guns, you’re dangerous, you’re a threat you’re an extremist, you’re a terrorist threat, we can’t let you have a gun.’”

Fischer is likely referring to his false claim he made on national radio with absolutely no investigation, that the Southern Baptist Convention‘s website was being banned from the military’s computers because it was “harmful.”

Indeed, as the SBC later admitted, their website was harmful — it was infected with malware, but you likely won’t hear Fischer admitting that fact, as it would blow his entire Ponzi scheme of a conspiracy theory.

Fisher and his anti-gay friends on the radical right are furious that the Southern Poverty Law Center has labeled his organization, the American Family Association, and Tony Perkins‘ group, the Family Research Council, as certified anti-gay hate groups.

Again, thanks to Right Wing Watch, who have been very busy today, for the video.

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