O’Reilly: War On Christmas A Cover For Promoting ‘Gay Agenda’

var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true};Bill O’Reilly last night said he agrees one hundred percent that the so-called “War on Christmas” is really a cover for the promotion of the “gay rights agenda” and abortion, because Christians are against those issues.

O’Reilly held a three-way panel discussion with Fox News’ own Greg Gutfeld — who was promoting his book, The Joy of Hate: How to Triumph over Whiners in the Age of Phony Outrage — and Bernard McGuirk, the infamous producer of “Imus in the Morning.”

“The war on Christmas is very, very real, and if you ask me, in addition to some grouchy, misanthropic, heathen atheists, it has to do — at the root of it — with two things, abortion and the gay rights agenda, because Christianity is against those things, and it’s subtle but that’s why it’s so pronounced in recent years, in my opinion,” McGuirk claimed, amusingly.

O’Reilly couldn’t wait to respond.

“Hundred percent agree,” O’Reilly crowed. “I absolutely agree a hundred percent the diminishment of Christianity is the target and Christmas is the vehicle because the secularists know the opposition to their agenda — legalized drugs is in that as well — uh, comes primarily from the Judeo-Christian traditionalist people. It’s not so much a church it’s a mindset.”

Gutfeld then made a stupid “redistribution” “joke,” after totally forgetting the true meaning of Christmas, from the Christian perspective, and calling the faux War on Christmas a “war on fun.”

Jesus died so Greg Gutfeld could have more fun, apparently.

How very Christian.

Meanwhile, Zack Ford at Think Progress just noted:

While the inclusion of these two important issues in this holiday charade is offensive enough, McGuirk’s pronouncement that all of Christianity opposes a woman’s right to an abortion or a gay couple’s right to raise a family ignores the fact that many women and gay people are Christian. In terms of the so-called “gay rights agenda,” many Christian denominations wholeheartedly support the LGBT community and are partners in advocating for marriage equality. If anything, it’s Fox News who’s waging a war on the millions of Christians who don’t agree with the network’s conservative positions.

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