O’Reilly: Single Black Moms Have ‘Devastated Millions Of Children And Led To Disaster’

Bill O’Reilly is waging a war against Blacks — especially single Black mothers. It’s a frighteningly racist — and heinously self-serving attack. O’Reilly actually said that being a single Black mother is a “personal decision,” (fine — for many women it is and good for them!) but one “that has devastated millions of children and led to disaster, both socially and economically.” O’Reilly, a white 63-year old conservative TV host, made the comments Monday night on his Fox News show.

“When was the last time you saw a public service ad telling young black girls to avoid becoming pregnant? Has President Obama done such an ad? How about [Jessie] Jackson or [Al] Sharpton? Has the Congressional Black Caucus demanded an ad like that? How about the PC pundits who work for NBC News?,” the host of the “O’Reilly Factor” asked.

“White people don’t force black people to have babies out of wedlock,” O’Reilly said. “That’s a personal decision. A decision that has devastated millions of children and led to disaster, both socially and economically.”

Of course, O’Reilly neglected to mention there are thousands of single African American mothers who are doing a great job raising families as single parents. He also neglected to acknowledge that perhaps some of these women are single because of the death of their spouse, or perhaps their spouse is serving in the military, or perhaps they are raising a family not by their own choosing, but because conservative policies make it difficult if not impossible to get an abortion.

O’Reilly’s war on single Black mothers is a ruse — and offensively racist.

Even MSNBC’s Chris Hayes says so — and did, Tuesday night in response, calling O’Reilly’s comments a “super racist rant.”


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