O’Reilly: Obama’s Father A Polygamist. Crowley: Obama’s Mother A Communist.

Last night on Fox News’ The O’Reilly Factor, host Bill O’Reilly called President Obama’s father a polygamist and conservative pundit Monica Crowley called President Obama’s mother a communist who attended a communist church called the Little Red Church — red, apparently, being the color of communism — not a Sherwin-Williams product but an ideological one. Never mind the fact that one of the tenets of communism is that religion should not exist. The pair then discussed the “fact’ that Obama was raised as a communist.

CROWLEY: The title of the book is “What The Bleep Just Happened” because every American has been asking that exact question since the fall of 2008 because everything under this administration, Bill,  we’ve gotten hit with some new piece of leftist madness from the big stuff to the small stuff.

O’REILLY: He still has a constituency around 40-43% who love him no matter what he does.

CROWLEY: Well even the left wing has been asking.

O’REILLY: Some of them.

O’REILLY: Let’s get specific to get specific in the book. Now you say his parents were communists. The president’s parents were communists. How do you know that?

CROWLEY: Well both of his parents are on record as being sympathetic to the communist cause. to Dana’s

O’REILLY: His father was a reprobate who just ran around to do what he wanted. Impregnating women, suing he wasn’t married when he was, having multiple wives on multiple continents.  So let’s just throw his aside OK?

CROWLEY: When he ws in Kenya he was active in the socialist movement in Kenya.

O’REILLY: Fine. This guy I think he’s just beneath contempt. But the mother was a different story, she was a hippie, right?

CROWLEY: She was a hippie but she attended a communist church.

O’REILLY: A communist church? What church was that?

CROWLEY: It was literally called the little red church. And remember she was very close friends with Obama’s ideological mentor and ideological father Frank Marshall Davis who was one of the most prominent communists of the 1950s.

O’REILLY: So your theory was that Barack Obama, little Barack, alright, or Barry as they called him back in Hawaii, was raised as a communist? He was a communist kid?

CROWLEY: He was steeped in that entire philosophy so when you look at this question in “What The Bleep Just Happened” you have to go back and understand where this man is coming from, what values he was steeped in, and it’s not just me saying that.

Remember, The O’Reilly Factor is Fox News’ top-rated program. This is what counts as journalism at Fox.


Via: Media Matters and The Political Carnival

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