NYC Same-Sex Marriage First Year Totals: $259 Million And 8200 Couples

Same-sex marriage has been in effect in the state of New York for one year as of today, and in those 365 days, for New York City alone, at least 8200 licenses have been issued to same-sex couples and $259 million have been spent as a result of the new law. Not bad.

The Associated Press in a Wall Street Journal article today touts these facts, and says they come from Mayor Michael Bloomberg and City Council Speaker Christine Quinn.

But what’s really interesting is that the Associated Press on Sunday — just two days ago — published another article on the one-year anniversary of same-sex marriage in the state of New York, titled, “New York Gay Marriage First Anniversary Celebrated, Impact Unclear.”

Apparently the AP learned a thing or two in 48 hours?

Frankly, the AP piece from Sunday is damned offensive.

“As the anniversary nears Tuesday, the law’s effects are noticeable if hard to measure,” it begins, claiming, “The wedding business is up, but some planners in New York City say it’s not booming.”

Which is odd, because the New York Times two days ago ran a story, “For Some, the Beginnings of Gay-Wedding Fatigue,” in which some New Yorkers are lamenting “gay-wedding burnout” for all the weddings they’ve had to attend.

Tony Perkins, head of the anti-gay hate group Family Research Council, is quoted in the Sunday article. Since when is Tony Perkins an acceptable go-to source for marriage equality? He is the leader of a certified anti-gay hate group. Would the AP ask David Duke for a quote on African-American civil rights legislation?

Perkins is quoted saying:

“As it passes, people begin to realize that it’s more than two people standing at the altar, it literally alters all of society.”

All it will mean for straight people and their families is the City of New York took in an extra $259 million dollars, at least — not to mention what the State of New York took in. Companies are now less likely to consider moving to a nearby state that supports equality. Same-sex families and LGBT people in general are now less likely to consider moving to a nearby state that supports equality. LGBTQ kids are now learning they are just like everyone else and can grow up, fall in love, and get married if they choose. And maybe, just maybe, bullies are now thinking twice.

A few facts seemingly lost on both the Associated Press and Tony Perkins.

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