NY Same-Sex Marriage Equality: Redefining Marriage?

The New York State Senate, in its desperate attempt to run the already-in-overtime clock out on the same-sex marriage equality bill has passed more legislation in the past week than (I’ll bet) they have in the past few months.

So it should come as no surprise that anti-marriage equality forces are looking for every trick in the book to counter what even one of New York’s biggest homophobes, New York State Senator and Reverend Rubén Díaz calls “inevitable,” the passage of same-sex marriage equality.

Last night, New York State Senate passed a bill declaring sweet corn the official vegetable of New York.

Some, evidently up on their botany, were outraged. “Corn is not a vegetable! Stop redefining things!”

And elsewhere in the Capitol, evidently a few Jews were none too please with the “dedefinition” of marriage.

You can’t make this stuff up.



(Images: top – Queer Rising, bottom – Capital Tonight )

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