NY ♡s Gay Marriage

Why Four ‘M’s Equal Equal Marriage


New York Governor David Patterson is pushing Albany for a gay marriage bill. New York State already recognizes gay marriages from other jurisdictions, and the Governor has directed all state agencies to bestow benefits on those legally wed regardless of gender. While there may not be enough support to pass a same-sex marriage bill today (Patterson said, “We’ll put a bill out and let the people decide one way or the other,”) support is growing. Here’s why:

  • Money: New York, the Empire State, is the financial capital of the world. Times are tough. Reports vary, but gay marriage could net an additional $60 million a year for New York. The longer it takes New York to legalize same-sex marriage, the less money will come in. If New Jersey beats New York, there’s a huge financial loss to the state and its residents. New Yorkers can already go to Connecticut, Massachusetts, Vermont, or Canada, and depending on where they live, either can be a quick drive away.
  • Momentum: Say what you will, but attitudes are viral. The tsunami of gay marriage news over the past week (Iowa, Vermont, Washington, D.C.,) has made a lot of fence-sitters rethink their position. The fact that Vermont was able to override its popular governor’s veto gives us hope that other lawmakers will stand up to the diminishing numbers the Right has on its side. That’s why they had to spend $1.5 million on that atrocious ad.
  • Might: The Governor, both New York Senators, the New York City Mayor, long-term support in the State Assembly, and the fact that finally we have a Democratic majority in the State Senate are all on our side.
  • Majority: 74% of New Yorkers favor some form of legal recognition for same-sex couples. 41% favor legal gay marriage, 31% favor legal civil unions. While the numbers need to be stronger, studies show over time, attitudes have been dramatically improving.

Additionally, FYI:

“A recent study conducted by the Congressional Budget Office found that if all 50 states and the federal government extended the rights and obligations of marriage to same-sex couples, gay weddings would generate almost $1 billion in revenue each year. According to other estimates, same-sex marriages could tack on more than $16 billion annually to the $70 billion wedding industry.”

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