NRA Invited To White House To Discuss Gun Control

The NRA has been invited to the White House this week to discuss gun control, as part of Vice President Biden’s task force that is exploring options in the wake of the Sandy Hook shooting in Newtown, Connecticut. “We are sending a rep to hear what they have to say,” NRA spokesman Andrew Arulanandam said, according to CNN:

Days after the massacre in Newtown, President Barack Obama appointed Biden to lead the panel that will provide recommendations to prevent another mass shooting. The president gave the group a deadline of “no later than January.”

Jay Carney, the White House press secretary, said Tuesday that Biden’s panel was “engaging a variety of stakeholders – organizations and individuals – to look broadly at the problem of gun violence in America and to consider actions that could be taken at legislative level and elsewhere.”

While Obama himself said during an interview on “Meet the Press” that he was skeptical of the NRA’s proposal to put armed guards in schools, Carney said the president “doesn’t want to prejudge any recommendations that any stakeholder may present.”

No word who the NRA will send, although it’s doubtful Wayne LaPierre would be the representative. Also, no word on how the Vice President will square President Obama’s desire to not “prejudge any recommendations that any stakeholder may present” with actual gun control, gun regulation — or sanity.



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