NRA: ‘Elitist Hypocrite’ Obama Doesn’t Care If Your Kids Get Shot And Killed At School

The NRA is going all out extremist. First, they went into full lock-down and disappear mode after the Sandy Hook Massacre in Newtown, Connecticut, then they promised constructive and substantive efforts to curb gun violence — which the nation rejected, because it was putting more guns in schools — now they’re declaring war on President Obama and his family, releasing an attack ad branding the Commander In Chief as an “elitist hypocrite” who doesn’t care if you children get shot and killed at school, while his kids have armed guards.

Of course, the President and his family get untold, likely hundreds of death threats every day, and (God forbid) should the President or any member of his family actually be shot and killed the entire world would devolve into mass hysteria, the global markets would likely close, and, ironically, that would be the end of the Second Amendment and the NRA as we know it.

But sanity, logic, humanness, and caring were never the NRA’s strong suit.

Watch the ad. See the NRA — who represent not their members but deep-pocketed gun manufacturers — go off the rails hurling toward crazy town.

The ad launches a new NRA fundraising website: NRA Stand And Fight, which sounds vaguely like “Stand Your Ground,” the ludicrous law George Zimmerman tried to use after he shot and killed Trayvon Martin.



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