NRA Demands ‘Armed Police Officers In Every Single School’ After CT Massacre

var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true};NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre held a press conference today in response to the massacre last Friday in Newtown, Connecticut. An outspoken advocate of America’s gun culture, LaPierre claimed “some have tried to exploit the tragedy for political gain,” and offered as his solution, “armed police officers in every single school in this nation.” Congress must immediately “appropriate whatever is necessary to put armed police officers in every school in this nation,” LaPiere demanded.

Laying out his agenda to “protect our children now, in a way that works,” this was LaPierre’s first public address since the murder of 20 first grade children and six adults at the Sandy Hook Elementary School.

The police force would not be paid but would volunteer. LaPierre described the program as a “shield” for all schools, made of people already trained as police officers, or retired veterans.

“The only way, the only way to stop a monster from killing our kids is to be personally involved,” LaPierre stated, adding, “the only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is to have a good guy with a gun.”

“For all the noise and anger directed at us, no one has addressed most immediate quesion. How do we protect our children right now, starting today?,” LaPierre stated, offering the resources of the NRA’s 11,000 trainers to train each police officer for each school, and has already crafted the framework for the program, including bring led by William Asa Hutchinson, a former U.S. Attorney, Republican U.S. Congressman, and a former Under Secretary Department of Homeland Security.

LaPierre, who demanded action now and talk later, spent a good deal of his 25-minute speech blaming the media for video games and “blood-soaked films” that glorify killing — calling them the worst kind of pornography — while claiming the media has been demonizing gun owners and has no idea what it’s doing. LaPierre also accused the media of hiding a “callous, corrupt shadow industry” manufacturing violent video games.

LaPierre also spun an ugly web of hate, claiming the world is filled with evil and
“monsters” who right this minute are planning the next gun-free zone attack.

“Gun-free school zones tell every insane killer that schools are places to inflict maximum pain at minimum risk,” he said.

News reports stated there’s little support for this program in Congress. Hundreds of college and university professors have signed a letter demanding their schools remain gun-free.

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