NOW: Is There Anyone The Right Doesn’t Hate?

Robertson, Limbaugh, O’Reilly Use Haiti To Say ‘Screw You’

Tuesday (yes, it was just two days ago) the island nation of Haiti suffered a devastating earthquake -the worst it’s seen in two centuries. Yesterday, just than twenty-four hours later, we learned there may be 100,000 people dead in that already poverty-stricken country.

In a Facebook comment, thinking about the 100,000 dead Haitians, I wrote,

“Almost every day we hear of death. Eight soldiers dead in Iraq. A murder in NYC or LA, dozens killed in a suicide bombing. Those you can almost comprehend. But not 100,000. Because, in part, that makes the plight of the living that much worse – having to deal with so much injury and destruction and soon, illness -all those dead magnify the plight of the living. It’s just terrible. Incomprehensible.”

But, in the face of 100,000 dead, what do conservatives do? Attack.

Evangelical Christian leader Pat Robertson yesterday said,

“Something happened a long time ago in Haiti…They got together and swore a pact to the devil. They said, “We will serve you if you get us free from the French – true story… They need to have a great turning to god.”

Wow. You’ve got to love that “true story” bit – as if.

Then there’s Rush Limbaugh. Wednesday, on his radio show, Limbaugh accused the Obama White House of using the crisis in Haiti as a tool to,

“…burnish their credibility with the black community – both light-skinned and dark-skinned black community in this country. It’s made-to-order for him. That’s why he couldn’t wait to get out there.”

What a disgusting lie – and a disgusting racist lie at that. Limbaugh has no shame or moral compass. I truly wonder f there’s a thought in his head – one that he hasn’t acted upon or uttered.

But it doesn’t stop there. The Conservative Haiti hate train is just leaving the station.

Bill O’Reilly weighed in, too, asking, according to Mediaite,

“…how much should the world do to save the poverty-stricken nation, ravaged yesterday by a major earthquake.”

Implying, little and invoking a tirade about the perils of the “nanny state.” I think political structures are the least of Haiti’s concerns at the moment.

What’s happening in San Francisco at the federal Prop 8 trial seems in keeping with these disgusting utterances, and remember, the whole trial is the result of the right’s decades of gay-hating gay-bashing.

And as I thought about this country as I wrote this, I realized, it’s always the right that is on the attack, “raising the devil,” telling people how bad and evil and immoral and wrong they are. It’s always the Limbaugh-Beck-O’Reilly-Robertsons-Malkins of the world who stir up trouble, and it’s the left that spends its time calling them out on it. It’s like a giant game of wack-a-mole, and the right has got us spinning around as fast as we can to refute their preposterous allegations.

You have to ask yourself, when is the last time a “left wing” religious leader in America created such a stir or displayed such utter hate and ignorance? When is the last time a left-wing pundit came out of nowhere and attacked the right for no reason?

No. it’s always the right, spewing its hate, ignorance, and arrogance, often claiming love of country or religion as their motivation.

I’ve had enough, but I won’t stop until we gain our rights and secure our reputation.

But you have to ask, truly, is there anyone the right doesn’t hate?

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