Norway Shooter And Pamela Geller: Glenn Greenwald Wonders Why The FBI Isn’t “Swarming”

Glenn Greenwald, a famous author and pundit, and a columnist for Salon.com, wonders, via Twitter this morning, why the FBI isn’t “swarming” all over the Pamela Geller and the Norway shooter story. Or, why the FBI isn’t “swarming” all over hate group head Pamela Geller. It’s unclear.

READ: Norway Shooter: Hate Group Head Pamela Geller Scrubbing Prior Evidence?

Here’s Greenwald’s extended tweet, in full:

In 2007, Pam Geller published a letter from a Muslim hater in Norway that warned of a Muslim takeover and vowed: “We are stockpiling and caching weapons, ammunition and equipment. This is going to happen fast”http://is.gd/cAzcjL

She recently deleted that line from the post on her site: http://is.gd/FQOpbf (though it’s still available from the Wayback machine)

In the comment section to the post at the time, she said she was purposely shielding the identity of the letter-writing — by publishing it anonymously – in order to prevent the writer from being investigated and prosecuted http://is.gd/ef5YUo

If this were an attack by a Muslim group, and a Muslim had something like this on his/her website, the FBI and multiple other groups would be swarming.

So true.

Read Greenwald’s excellent piece from Thursday, “An un-American response to the Oslo attack.”

(image: Norway shooter Anders Behring Breivik)

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