Normal People “Don’t Have Lesbians In Their Family Raising Children”

Matt Philbin, of the Culture and Media Institute, says Hollywood “doesn’t know anyone who doesn’t have lesbians in their family raising young children.” Philbin warns the Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN) of this fall’s TV lineup, and says, “primetime is no longer for kids,” because shows like “Glee” focus on sex: “The romp really is in the bedroom, sex is a major theme throughout, as is homosexuality.”

Remember, Philbin, from his perch at the Culture and Media Institute (CMI), is the same guy who cruelly attacked J. Crew president Jenna Lyons in April for a photo in the J. Crew catalog that showed Lyons painting her son’s toenails pink — because it’s his favorite color.

In “J. Crew Goes Gay Crew,” Philbin wrote, “Jenna’s indulgence (or encouragement) could make life hard for the boy in the future. J.CREW, known for its tasteful and modest clothing, apparently does not mind exploiting Beckett behind the façade of liberal, transgendered [sic] identity politics. One has to wonder what young boys in pink nail polish has to do with selling women’s clothing,” and added, “So J. Crew is consciously angling for the ‘LGBT’ market, but there’s no agenda behind marketing materials featuring a little boy with hot pink toenails?”

CMI’s board includes anti-gay conservative activist, Catholic League board member, and Fox News contributor Brent Bozell, who owns the sleazy faux journalism site, NewsBusters, for which — surprise! — Philbin writes.

Last week, Philbin wrote a piece titled, “Lefty Hypocrites Level Gay Slurs,” which rushes to defend the husband of Michele Bachmann, Marcus, and Governor Rick Perry, both of whom have been questioned in the press as to whether or not they are gay. To Philbin, that’s a slur.

Oh. And by the way, Matt, I’m not in Hollywood, and I know plenty of lesbians raising young children. Deal with it.

Once again, many thanks to Dave Evans of  for this clip!!

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