NOM Wants You To Send This Message

The National Organization For Marriage, those despicable folks who believe that polygamy is better than gay marriage, have a full camoaign on across America to defeat marriage equality. Like most organizations, they try to make it easy to get constituents t contact their lawmakers. Fair enough. It’s the words they use that are, of course, frightening. Here’s one from NOM’s website a friend sent to me:

“I am writing as a New Jerseyan concerned about the future of our state and urging you to oppose efforts to redefine marriage in the Garden State.

It has only been two years since we adopted civil unions to provide the benefits of marriage for same-sex couples in New Jersey. Now activists are trying to rush through same-sex marriage, before we really understand how civil unions have worked out.

Already, we’ve seen religious groups denied property tax exemption because they refused to deny their core religious beliefs about marriage. And if we redefine marriage, scholars tell us that the conflicts will only increase.

When it comes to recognizing same-sex unions, conflicts between gay rights and religious liberty are unavoidable — and it doesn’t help to pretend they don’t exist. People of faith have an equal claim to protections in the public square, and we need to wrestle with the difficult questions of how to resolve those conflicts. Civil unions have the potential to become a workable compromise, not just a halfway stop on the road to same-sex marriage.

Let’s give civil unions a chance as we work to protect the rights of ALL New Jerseyans.

This is an issue I feel strongly about, and which will be a voting issue for me in November.

Please let me know whether you support a constitutional amendment on marriage, and how you will vote on same-sex marriage legislation if it comes up for a vote this year.”

I’ve taken the liberty to write in bold the obvious lies. Some others are suspect, but you get the idea.

As I wrote yesterday, NOM is using diabolical (yes, a dramatic word, but accurate) tactics to get New hampshire lawmakers to think So, here’s what you can do right now to counteract NOM’s lies, and do something good for gay rights:

I’ve written a generic letter that you are welcome to copy and send to your federal and state lawmakers. Below is a link to a site that will do what NOM does, link you to your lawmaker. You are welcome to change the letter in any way you like, it’s just an example, you can change it however you like.

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