NOM To Delaware Senate: ‘Genderless’ Marriage Is A ‘Punishment’ On Citizens

In a strongly-worded statement to the Delaware Senate, Brian Brown, the National Organization For Marriage (NOM) president, called the move to include Delaware’s same-sex couples in the institution of marriage a “punishment” to opposite-sex couples and proclaimed that once same-sex marriage is legal, all marriages will be “genderless.”

READ: NOM Finally Denounces Homophobic Violence In France — 5 Hours After Equality Becomes Law

“Marriage is intrinsically the union of one man and woman; attempting to redefine it will strip the institution of its meaning, harm children and open people of faith to real consequences,” Brown stated via a press release:

The Delaware legislation makes marriage genderless so that people of the same sex can be ‘married’ under the law. As such HB 75 shifts the purpose of marriage away from bringing men and women together to provide mothers and fathers for children, and instead changes the institution into state recognition of romantic relationships.

“Every marriage will now be genderless,” Brown added. “That means that anyone who cannot accept this radical and flawed change to marriage is going to be subjected to punishment. HB 75 contains no meaningful protections for people who have deeply held beliefs that marriage is and can only be the union of one man and one woman.”

READ: National Organization For Marriage Becomes The McDonald’s Of International Anti-Gay Hate

Yesterday, the Delaware House of Representatives passed a same-sex marriage bill by a vote of 23-18. The bill must still be voted upon by the Delaware Senate. The governor of Delaware, Jack Markell, has agreed to sign the bill into law.

Yesterday, five hours after France held its final vote and passed same-sex marriage into law, Brown finally and for the first time denounced the months of anti-gay homophobic violence that has plagued that country. NOM and Brown have bragged about how intrinsic they have been to efforts to prevent same-sex marriage in France.


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