NOM: ‘Silent Majority Is Rising Up’ Against ‘Homosexual Lobby’s’ ‘Gay Marriage Thugs’

Brian Brown, President of NOM, the National Organization For Marriage, today sent a fundraising email to supporters in which he claimed total credit for Chick-Fil-A‘s multimillion dollar take last week, which Governor Mike Huckabee initiated and fostered. Stating that the “the silent majority is rising up and rejecting the gay ‘marriage’ lobby’s tactics,” and calling gay people “homosexual thugs and bullies,” NOM has tossed away all claim to not hating gay people, and lost all right to proclaim animus has nothing to do with their opposition to same-sex marriage. This is truly an astounding development, and one I trust legal experts will capture and use in future trials. The question of anti-gay animus is one of several that convinced several federal courts to overturn Prop 8.

NOM literally just threw caution to the wind and blew their entire legal position. No one can now use them in court, NOM can submit no amicus briefs and be taken seriously by any court in the land.

Here’s the text of Brian Brown’s fundraising letter:

Marriage Supporter –

Make no mistake about it: the national backlash against the homosexual lobby’s failed Chick-fil-A boycott is a decisive win for NOM and the pro-marriage movement.

You see, the homosexual lobby’s attack on Chick-fil-A isn’t just a bullying of one of America’s best businesses. It’s a full-frontal assault on all of us who believe in the unchangeable definition of marriage as one man and one woman.

By voting with your presence and wallets to support Chick-fil-A’s brave leadership, you effectively triumphed over the gay “marriage” thugs and bullies to produce the largest sales volume in the pro-marriage company’s history! This is a big win. Now with victory in sight, we must capitalize on our decisive win to sustain the momentum for marriage in America.

NOM is leading the charge to support Chick-fil-A’s pro-marriage stance, but I need your immediate contribution of $50, $100, or as much as you can give right now, to sustain the fight against the gay “marriage” thugs and bullies everywhere.

Wealthy homosexual activists, such as the so-called Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD), know they cannot persuade the American people simply to discard traditional marriage at the ballot box as an outdated institution. In fact, every time the issue is put to a democratic vote, Americans overwhelmingly reject the redefinition of marriage in states across the nation, from California to Maine. That’s why the homosexual lobby is using a different strategy this time by working to bully and intimidate the media and enough politicians and activist judges to impose same-sex “marriage” on everyone.

But with NOM and Chick-fil-A’s brave leadership, the silent majority is rising up and rejecting the gay “marriage” lobby’s tactics. While others have backed down to the homosexual thugs and bullies, NOM hasn’t been afraid to fight back. But we can’t sustain this battle unless supporters like you help us with your urgently needed contributions right now.

That’s why I’m asking you to make a critical, immediate contribution of $50, $100, or as much as you can give right now to sustain our momentum for marriage in the wake of the Chick-fil-A victory.

Remember: the only way to stop a bully is to fight back and fight harder. And if you make an immediate contribution, NOM will continue to expose and defeat the gay activist bullies who want to silence Christians and impose homosexual “marriage” on all of us.


Brian Brown
President, National Organization for Marriage (NOM)

P.S. The homosexual lobby’s assault on Chick-fil-A is a full-frontal assault on all of us who believe in the historic definition of marriage as one man and one woman. And the only way to stop a bully is to fight back and fight harder. But we need your immediate contribution to do this. This is your chance to make your voice heard and thank Chick-fil-A for their brave leadership in supporting marriage.

Clearly, as they convert to more antagonistic and ugly rhetoric, it’s easy to see NOM sees the writing on the wall. They’re now willing to sacrifice everything, because they have so little to lose.

Remember to share this with all your friends and families who claim that people who don’t support same-sex marriage aren’t homophobic bigots. Because the people who have been claiming that professionally for years just slipped.

Prediction: next time the Southern Poverty Law Center releases its updated list of active anti-gay hate groups, NOM, the National Organization For Marriage, will be on the list.

Paging Mark Potok

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