NOM’s New Anti-Gay Ad Suggests Gay Parents More Likely To Abuse Kids

A new radio ad produced by NOM, the National Organization For Marriage, advertises the flawed anti-gay parenting “study” created by Mark Regnerus and the conservative Witherspoon Institute, and uses that carefully fabricated “research” to suggest gay parents are more likely to abuse children, although it is careful to couch its falsehoods within the terms of the “study.”

The ad, posted to NOM President Brian Brown’s ActRight fundraising clearinghouse, wrongly states the Regnerus fabrication was “an independent study,” although our own Scott Rose has repeatedly proven in a series of dozens of detailed articles why that’s false. The ad also uses the Regnerus “study” to suggest children of gay parents are less likely to succeed in schools or financially.

“Fewer Americans are getting married before starting a family,” the ad begins, stoking fears of some listeners that that’s the fault of gay people — who actually are getting married and starting families. “Children raised by their married mother and father do much better than other children,” the ad repeatedly claims, slamming and defaming single straight parents — and married and single gay parents — including those families who have lost a parent through death from military service, accidents, or disease.

The ad then states, “independent research show the ‘no differences’ claim is not true.” If they’re pointing to the decades of peer reviewed studies that show children raised by same-sex headed households do as well or better, then that’s fine. But they’re not. And that “independent research” NOM is claiming, does not exist in the world of fact.

For those unfamiliar with the details of the Regnerus study, a few quick facts that should worry anyone with a critical mind:

Robert P. George, co-founder and chairman emeritus of NOM, the National Organization For Marriage, is also on the board of the Witherspoon Institute, which funded the study, and is on the editorial advisory board of the Deseret News, the first news outlet to cover the story, which it did in both an extensive article and an extensive editorial, before the “study” had been publicly released.

READ: Hold NOM’s Robert George Accountable For The Anti-Gay Regnerus Hit Job


The NOM ad points to the Witherspoon Institute’s website for the Regnerus study that display its falsehoods in cute interactive graphics:


Listen, and tell us what you think:



Our deep thanks to Jeremy Hooper of Good As You for discovering and making available the audio.

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