NOM’s “Most Powerful” Ad? Hahahaha! I Mean, HAHAHAHA!

NOM — The National Organization for (Straight only) Marriage emailed this video to its donor list this week.  (Because, let’s face it, NOM is just a way for Maggie to get rich. Sorry. Maggie AND Brian.) The email reads, “Watch NOM’s most powerful TV ad yet!”

So… Um, really? “Powerful?”

OK. Let’s dissect.

“The right to vote — our most important civil right.”

Won’t argue there. BUT, NO ONE has the right to vote on civil rights. Civil rights are unalienable. We have them because we are born. They don’t come from God, the president, or even Maggie Gallagher.

“Some politicians want to oppose gay marriage in Minnesota without a vote.”

Yup. That’s right!

Did we vote on Maggie’s marriage? Or anyone else’s? NO.

“When Massachusetts did this, gay marriage was taught to first and second graders.” Really? What, EXACTLY, were they taught, Maggie?

Oh, and Maggie, Massachusetts has the LOWEST rate of divorce in the U.S. All those states that have bans on marriage equality? They have the HIGHEST rates of divorce.

Reminder: “States Offering Full Marriage Equality Have Lowest Rates Of Child Homelessness.”

Why don’t you “protect marriage” by helping to make marriage equality legal?

“Shouldn’t something this important be decided by Minnesota voters?


Do voters vote on all the issues? The really important ones?


We live in a representational democracy. We elect people to make important decisions.

Do we pull a lever to decide to go to war? No. Isn’t THAT an important decision? Yes.

This bull really has to stop. Someone needs to say it: Stop the bullshit rhetoric, Maggie.

P.S. Stop using Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in your unholy name. It’s offensive and disgusting. He and his movement supported marriage equality. Civil rights do NOT include the “right” to constrict marriage as heterosexual-only.

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